613 Court St. Waynesboro, MS 39367  Emergency Ph:(601)735-2323 or Dial 911

Administration Ph:(601)735-3801   Fax:(601)735-6262

        Sheriff Marvin M Farrior with new Staff.jpg

Located in Waynesboro, MS., the Wayne County Sheriff's Department is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the quality of life in Wayne County by working cooperatively with its’ citizens. We strive to provide the highest professional level of law enforcement and corrections services to the public, preserve the peace, enforce the law, reduce the fear of crime, and provide needed services to the community.

With this site, we commit to providing current relevant information to the citizens of Wayne County and the surrounding communities. Check in daily to view the latest department news, crime bulletins, press releases, our most wanted person(s), etc. If you have information concerning criminal activity, you can submit that information online via our Submit a Tip form.

We hope you find the Wayne County Sheriff's Department website helpful and informative, and we encourage you to tell your family and friends about the site so that they will become regular visitors also.


Mission Statement

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Sheriff Ashley Sworn Into Office

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WCSO Website Awards

The Wayne County Sheriff's Department proudly displays the awards which have been awarded to our website. The organizations and individuals that have presented an award to our website have taken the time to evaluate our website to ensure that our website meets certain web design standards and criteria before any award is presented.

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