
Clarke County Sheriff's Department
The Wayne County Sheriff's Department enjoys an excellent working relationship with the Clarke County Sheriff's Department. Our friends to the North have a website with many similar features as ours. We invite you to visit their website and see what is happening in their department.
The Mississippi Dept. of Corrections
Find information about the department, job listings, inmate search, etc.
The Mississippi Sex Offender Registry
Search known sex offender records by name, city, county, or zip code.
The Wayne County Sheriff's Department and the Waynesboro Police Department are continuously working together to provide quality law enforcement to the citizens of Wayne County & Waynesboro. WCSO invites you to vistit WPD's newly designed website.
The Wayne County Fire Department provides quality fire protection to the citizens of Wayne County. We invite you to visit their website and see what they are doing for our county.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
What a great site. We will never know just how many lives have been touched through this organization. Resources include information for parents, law enforcement, the media, plus ways to report sightings.
The U. S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Lots of information here about current drug issues. Good for law enforcement, school administrators and teachers, parents, kids...