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Crime Bulletins

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Buckatunna Exxonn Robbed At Gunpoint

January 15, 2009
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On Wednesday, January 14th 2009, at approximately 2233 hours, The Wayne County Sheriff’s Department received a call reporting that the Exxon station in Buckatunna had been robbed. Deputies Charles Everett, Jamey Beard, Patrick Johnson, Michael Patton, and Investigator Kevin Stevens responded. The clerk informed officers that two black males entered the store wearing masks and brandishing a handgun and demanded the money. The individuals left with a small amount of cash as the cashiers only have access to a minimum amount. Officers were successful in recovering physical evidence from the scene that will be submitted to the Mississippi Crime Laboratory.
Anyone that may have information related to this incident is asked to call the Wayne County Sheriff's Department at 735-3801 or Crime Stoppers at 735-LEAD (5323). You can also submit information online using our "Submit a Tip" form. A $1,000.00 cash reward is being offered by Crime Stoppers for information leading to the arrest and conviction in this case.