Argument Over $40.00 Opens Multiple Investigations
November 20, 2008
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On November 18th 2008, at approximately 1400 hours, the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department received a call reporting that Suzy Napier had shot Michelle Jackson at a residence located at 74 Wesley Stevens Drive. The caller reported that Napier had wrecked while leaving the scene. Wayne General Ambulance and Sheriff Farrior, Deputy Tim Hollinghead, Chief Deputy Gerald Barnett, Investigators Mozingo and Stevens, and SMNTF Agent Joey Moulds responded.
Deputy Hollinghead arrived and located Napier in truck. Deputy Hollinghead recovered a firearm from the truck. Jackson was on the scene and had sustained a single gunshot wound to the lower leg. Napier was taken into custody. The initial investigation indicated that Napier and Nicole Stevens were arguing over approximately $40.00 when Napier fired a handgun and struck Michelle Jackson of Moselle, Ms.
During the course of investigating the assault, officers observed items in plain view that are commonly used in the manufacturing of crystal methamphetamine. The scene was then secured and a search warrant for the premises were obtained. SMNTF Agents Brent Purcell and Brad Warrick responded to the scene. Officers discovered precursor chemicals and two firearms at the residence. Nicole Stevens was arrested and charged with possession of precursor chemicals. More arrest are pending.
An argument over $40.00 has led to the arrest of Suzy Napier and Nicole Stevens and more arrest pending, and multiple investigations are ongoing.